Sunday, November 4, 2018

"To me the beauty of Ceylon lies not so much in its blue seas and golden beaches, its jungles and its mountain peaks, as in its ancient atmosphere. There is no nation, from Egypt of the Pharaohs to modern Britian, in whose literature this island has not at some time been mentioned by one or other of its many names -- Lanka, Serendib, Taprobane, Cellao, Zellan, to recall a few. History lies buried in its sands, and ghosts of romance lurk among its bastioned rocks, for Lanka is very, very old."

- D. J. G. Hennessy, GREEN AISLES, 1949

The Finest Island of its size in all world - Marco Polo

Sri Lanka is an island situated in the Indian Ocean, at the base of the Indian Sub-Continent, 880 km northof the equator.Sri Lanka has a pleasant tropical climate. The average temperature of the low lands ranges between 25-30 degrees Celsius. It is a multi-ethnic, multi-religiouscountry with adiverse and rich culture with a total population of 19 million. English is widely spoken and is studied as a compulsory secondary language in school. Sri Lanka's Per Capita GDP is presently US$ 900 - the highest in South Asia and the Literacy rate is 92% - the highest in South Asia and second highest in Asia

So Be NOWADAYS Marco Polo 


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